Monday, January 25, 2010
Please respond..!!I need ur help...
10 bahan mengepoh kepoh-kepoh Nuruljannah BadrulHisham pada 9:29 AM**masalah nye disini,saye susah nk buat keputusan... antara berpindah atau pun tidak... banyak perkara yang perlu saya pertimbangkan... banyak hati yang perlu saye jaga... tapi adakah mereka jaga hati saya..? perlu kah saya ketepikan hati dan perasaan saye, demi kesenangan hati orang lain..?" kire macam ditelan mati bapak diluar mati mak" ke ?ha..betul la..tak tahu nk wat keputusan ni... STAY or PINDAH....
Ape saye nak buat dengan mereka2 yang disebutkan dibawah ini..? ape patut saye cakap dengan mereka..? ape plak respond mereka kalau dengar ape yang saye nak perkatakan nti..??
- friend kepade partner saye... memang terhutang budi la ngan brother ni.. dia la yang adjust kan kami rumah sewa yang sedia ada ni.. and dia baik ok.. selalu bawak kitorang g jalan2 kalo kitorang bosan dok umah... so,kami tak tahu nk cakap mcmane pasal nk pindah ni... takut dia marah plak, susah payah dia carikan rumah, kami wat hal plak..
- 2 beradik ni la master rumah yg saye sewa sekarang...saye tak cerita lagi hasrat nk berpindah ni kat mereka... kadang2 kesian gak nk tinggal kan makin lame saye dok rumah ni, hati saye makin sayu memikirkan hal mereka berdua ni...
- kalau saya pindah, mereka kena cari penyewa baru lagi...(ala,itu hal mereka la..tapi kesian..)
- hm..partner saye.. partner saye... same la berbelah bagi cm saye.. tak tahu nak buat keputusan yg macamane..
- saye tahu dia takut nk menghadap uncle and aunt saye...and tak tahu nk explain cmane ngan kawan2 dia (yang banyak membantu untuk dapatkan rumah sewa yg sedia ada ni ...)
- tapi kalau saya ikutkan hati,saya pindah.. tapi kalau dia tak nak ikut berpindah dengan saya..nti partner saya nak g keje naik ape..? kesian la dia.. padahal saya dah janji dari awal nak bersusah senang bersama dengan dia...
- tapi kalau pindah rumah uncle and aunt saya..if terjadi sesuatu yg wat partner saya tak suke, dan timbul sesal kerana berpindah, ape perlu saya buat..?
- mase baru pindah, ade gak father partner saye tu bising sebab umah jauh dari tempat keje.. suruh cari umah lain la..etc..
- semalam,masa balik rumah partner saye ni.. dengar gak ayah dia cakap "bile nak pindah?"..apa maknanye itu..? dia nak kami pindah ke cmane..?
- adik beradik partner saya, segan jugak dengan mereka.. "masa mula2 saya yg beriya2 tak nak pindah.. tapi ni nak pindah pulak.." (hm.setepek lagi kena batang hidung saya.. )tu saye tak nak comment la.. sebab itu between dia and her family..
- Sekarang: rumah sewa saye sekarang ni,rumah flat.. saye dok level 4. so kadang kala, saya agak risau la park kat bawak..walaupun dah kunci sampai 4 lock. tetap risau...
- saya mengalami kesukaran nk cuci motor... cmane nk angkut air dari level 4 ke ground floor kan..? so tak cuci la motor... kadang2 nak tunggu saya balik rumah ibu, motor dah berlapuk.. rupa dah mcm motor pegi kebun.. kadang2 sampai 2 minggu motor saye tak mandi...
- If pindah: tak risau sangat la..sebab rumah berpagar... and saye boleh dengar if alarm motor saye tu berbunyi..(**ala..kalau nak hilang, kat mane2 je boleh hilang, tapi saya perlu fikir langkah berjaga2)
- and mudah le skit nk cuci2 motor saye..tarik je getah paip... sabun2 skit...nah.. sure wangi motor saye...
- seperti mane yang semua tahu, saye kan g keje naik motor..JLW kesayangan saye tu... kadang kala bila hujan memang saye sedih..sampai office, mesti ade yang basah... even pkai baju hujan pon... so kalau pindah rumah aunt saye, kalau hujan boleh tumpang dia ke office..which is naik kereta...
- isu bahaya: ade gak beberapa incident yang disebab kan kecuaian saye sendiri... kadang2 nk berlanggar la.. ape la..biase la kan naik motor.. tapi saye risaukan keselamatan partner kalau pindah dekat, kurang la skit risiko (**ceh..padahal ade je risiko kat mane2... duduk jauh ke,dekat ke kalau ajal tak kemane)
- sekarang if kami nak outstation,saye kena hantar motor balik ke rumah sewa...then if saye dah pindah,tak payah la bawak motor ke office kalau nk outstation..naik je kereta aunt saye..
- waktu ke office plak, pindah rumah aunt saye dekat kalo gerak g keje ,tak la terkejar2... lunch break pon boleh balik mkn kat rumah...(**aunt saye kate dah nak ade bibik bln 2 ni..)
- Sekarang: kami berdua tong2 share bayar sewa which is RM150 per month...bil api dan air akan dikira kemudian...pade saye nilai RM150/2 tu biase je.. (**cewah..nasib ade MARA&PaMa)... tapi saye fikir tentang partner saye... dia hanya ada MARA.. and sekali sekala ada SisTa)
- If pindah: boleh la jimat skit... tak payah bayar sewa.. maybe cuma beli ape yg patut untuk mengisi dapur my uncle and aunt.. so,partner saye tak payah le fikir2 nk bayar sewa... and saye sekarang tengah pk nak kumpul duit untuk biaya Braces and License saye.. so kalo pindah jimat le skit kan.. tak payah harap kan dana dari PaMa lagi... (**padahal saya risau, belum kumpul duit lagi untuk sambung degree)
- Ha...kalo pasal abah saye ni, saye tak risau sangat.. abah sentiasa supportive dengan segala keputusan yang saye buat.. cuma dia tak berapa suka la kalo saye susah hati..
- kalo pasal my beloved ibu.. dia amik berat sangat hal mcm ni.. coz uncle and aunt saye ni cousin dia...(**kire nak mengeratkan silaturrahim le ni)
- aunt saye hari2 call ibu saye tanye bile saye nk pindah..? siap cakap "jangan risau la pasal duit sewa.. ikhlas ni nak tolong.." so saye nk gak jage hati ibu saye..
- Hasrat ibu, dia nak saya duduk dengan cousin dia tu.. buat peneman aunt saya yang sunyi.. pada mulanya saya wat tak kisah je.. tapi bila hari2 isu ni diperkatakan oleh ibu, saya jadi serba salah...
- saya nak jaga hati ibu, tapi ada banyak perkara yang perlu saya pertimbangkan untuk membuat keputusan..
- (**their house is actually near by my office) and my aunt tu keje berdepan je dgn my office..
- bile my uncle and aunt dapat tahu saye duduk menyewa, rumah yg agak jauh skit dari office berbanding dgn rumah mereka yg selang 2 traffic light je dari office...mereka sudah bising...suruh saye pindah duduk dengan mereka."rumah aku besar2 tapi anak sedara tak mahu duduk dengan aku..what a waste..!!"...aduh.. setepek kena batang hidung saye...
- mereka ni actually duduk ber3 je kar uncle, my aunt and their adopted child sorang(umur 6 tahun)...
- ibu saye cerita(ni dia cerita eh)mereka nampak bengis tapi hati mereka baik.which is 'very the caring person la..'(ha..statement ni saye dah tahu...)tak sampai 1 jam duduk rumah dia,saye rase cm dah jadi anak mereka... mereka nak saye pindah duduk ngan mereka sebab mereka sunyi..jangan mereka jadi kan saye bibik sudah le..
- anak angkat uncle and aunt saye pon baik...siap ckp ngan kawan2 dia.."kite nanti nak dapat akak..akak kite ade motor.."..wah2...tak penah dengar ayat 'nak dapat akak'..selame ni dengar 'nak dapat adik'...
- setiap hari selasa,rabu dan khamis, rumah meraka ade guru yang datang mengajar al-quran.. elok juga kalau saya join.. tapi kalau MALAS saya sampai,tak join... (hu..part ni la saya takut..) saya sering usaha untuk jadi yang lebih baik.. tapi lumrah manusia.. saya sering leka.. kadangkala melakukan kesilapan.. takut orang kata "kau ni, selalu nk betul kan orang, tapi diri kau pun tak betul2 jugak" ataupun ayat "alah, nuruljannah tu,saja nak tunjuk baik.. depan keluarga pijak semut pun tak mati.. belakang keluarga,ntah kemane2"...dan macam2 lagi la...**people easily judge , I don't care what they say.. cuba la berada di tempat saya..
- weekend ni diorang nk ke jakarta.. maybe nk uruskan pasal nk amik maid kot.. till wednesday.. so saye kena tolong jage rumah dia... (dulu mase saye nk ke pontian**sila reviewMaybe..Love..&..Keluarga Baru.. ) aunt saye la yang tolong tengok2kan motor saye...
- saya nak je pindah...dekat and cm best je dok umah bawak...
- saya tak nak pindah la..takut kebebasan saye diragut...cewah...(padahal saye bkn la liar sangat..saye suke g tengok wayang.. g window shopping2..tu je..)
- saye nak pindah sebab leh jimat duit..
- saye takut nak pindah sebab takut buat silap.. biase la, duduk rumah orang tua, kna la behave jadi good gurl..
- saya tak fikirkan perasaan orang.. hari ni gak saye kemas2 baju.pindah je.. ala..bukan saye tak bayar sewa... pandai2 la diorang cari penyewa lain...(**tapi saya tak sampai hati nak wat mcm tu)
- saya berat hari nak tinggal kan rumah sewa.. sebab kat rumah sewa saya dapat toilet saya sendiri.. tak share pon dgn 2 adik beradik tu..(padahal saya leh seksi2..wat hal sendiri...)
- saya nak cuba duduk rumah uncle and aunt saya... kenal hati budi mereka.. so saye kna well behave... jadi good gurl..
- kalau boleh nak jaga hati semua orang.. tak nak sorang pun terjejas dengan keputusan saya.. saya nak buat yang terbaik dan tak nak dipersalahkan atas keputusan yang saya buat.
- plz.. part ni la saye perlukan khidmat nasihat dari semua orang... tolong la bagi saya nasihat skit... saya pening dah fikirkan pro and contrast of this issue.. ape patut saya buat..? ikutkan hati saya..? ikutkan orang lain..? siapa yang patut saya dulukan..?ape keputusan yang terbaik..?
- STAY or PINDAH...?
kelasifikasi topik: abah, ibu, Internship
Saturday, January 23, 2010
- Lelaki Melayu perlu memakai tanda perkabungan kain putih selilit saja selebar dua inci pada songkok.
- Bagi lelaki lain2 bangsa dan agama, perlu memakai selilit kain hitam selebar tiga inci di lengan kiri dan bertali leher warna hitam.
- Bagi yang memakai uniform dan memakai uniform pada majlis tertentu, mereka perlu melilit kain hitam selebar tiga inci di lengan kiri.
- Bagi perempuan Melayu, hendaklah memakai tudung kepala warna putih.
- Bagi orang perempuan lain bangsa dan agama, mereka perlu memakai selilit kain hitam selebar tiga inci di lengan kiri
JOHOR BAHRU: Sultan of Johor Almutawakkil Al-Allah Sultan Iskandar ibni Al-marhum Sultan Ismail, passed away at 7.15pm yesterday. He was 77. Menteri Besar Datuk Ghani Othman made the announcement on TV3 at 11.20pm.
He also announced that the new ruler would be proclaimed before the burial at 2pm today. Ghani, who was in Chennai earlier as part of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s entourage to India, had returned home on a special flight. The body of Sultan Iskandar was transported from Puteri Specialist Hospital to Istana Besar at 11.15pm.
It was accompanied by members of the Johor royalty, state exco members and state religious department officers. The ambulance was escorted by police and Johor Military Force personnel to Istana Besar for final rites.
Ghani also announced that the people could pay their last respects at Istana Besar from 9am to 10.30am today while VIPs would be able to do so from 11am to noon. Those wishing to pay their last respects will have to adhere to the respective dress codes. Sultan Iskandar will be buried at the Mahmoodiah Royal Mausoleum at 2pm. The menteri besar also announced a seven-day mourning period for the people of Johor and 40 days for the royal family. The national and state flags will also be lowered to half mast for a period of seven days.
Sultan Iskandar was admitted to Johor Specialist Hospital late on Thursday for an unspecified illness. He had undergone a coronary bypass operation in the United States in 2000 and had a bout of bronchitis in January 2008, which saw him being admitted and treated at the hospital.Earlier in the day, the head of the Johor Council of the Royal Court, Tunku Osman Tunku Temenggong Ahmad, announced the appointment of Tunku Mahkota of Johor Tunku Ibrahim Ismail as the regent.
“The Council of the Royal Court hereby decided under Clause 9(1)(b) and 9(2) First Section of the Johor State Constitution 1895, after receiving the medical report from three medical specialists, to appoint Duli Yang Amat Mulia Tunku Ibrahim Ismail ibni Sultan Iskandar,Tunku Mahkota Johor, as the regent to carry out the duty of the ruler during the illness of Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Iskandar,” he had said at Istana Besar.
The brief solemn ceremony was held at the banquet hall of Istana Besar at 5.15pm. Tunku Ibrahim, 51, was flanked by his son, Raja Muda of Johor Tunku Ismail and brother, Tunku Bendahara Johor Tunku Abdul Majid, when he took the oath of appointment.
Also present were State Legislative assembly Speaker Datuk Mohd Ali Hassan and state executive council members.This is not the first time Tunku Ibrahim was appointed regent. He was first appointed to the post on April 25, 1984 when Sultan Iskandar was appointed the eighth Yang di- Pertuan Agong. He was installed as the Tunku Mahkota of Johor on July 3, 1981 at
the age of 22. Tunku Ibrahim is married to Raja Zarith Sofiah Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah and they have five sons and two daughters.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
arh..what a day...!!!
wake up in the morning and my heart feel not very well..
feel really2 lazy..really2 don't want to get up...
thinking 'what next'...and realize that, its gonna be just the same day as before...
what should i do to change the day..?what will change..?
ya Allah..why you want me to get through all these ujian....?
i wish i could make the good decision for my future...
make a good plan..but now,i don't really had a plan...
because plan always change right..?
i don't want to be blame if all the plan had change..
just want to get through all these day with calm and silent...
oho..this morning all my key got lock in my room..all of it..!!
my motorcycle key,our house key and the room key..
and all of us at the other side of the room...aduh..cmane nk g keje ni..?
halmet ade..motor ade.. kunci plak tak a day...
so.. As the conclusion, we went to the office by cab...
still want to go..ape keje ade kat office tu pon tak tahu...
lupekan tentang pintu itu...wah..pekerja contoh ye kawan2...
but the punch card still red..we were late..!!
don't really care what happen next..
i don't want to rewind all that happen before...
what really happen...take it as a lesson..don't make it a reason to break...
**Me..?still here..wondering what suppose to be..what..when..and how... can I? how it gonna be if I can't? all those usual question la.. still plan not to punish my life for my own mistake...haha.. make mistake and my life will change.. or change my life and i will make a mistake..ape ni..?same je la kan.?

Monday, January 18, 2010
Important note for my own life..
0 bahan mengepoh kepoh-kepoh Nuruljannah BadrulHisham pada 10:24 PMthe other half, more important half is..
who you with when you're doing it...
promise myself..
to choose the right person to do something important in my life..
and the right time...i will make a good decision..
really..really strict decision...
kelasifikasi topik: love
Sunday, January 17, 2010
after watching the best drama i even watch.."lipstick jungle"
wondering if i can be as great as these 3 actor..
wondering can i handle all the test that Allah give to me..?
wondering if i could climb up higher than everyone else..
wondering if i could make it till the end..
wondering i i could get the scholarship to further my study...but how..?
wondering there is someone waiting for me when i got back for anywhere..?
wondering if i can get through all these complication of life..
wondering, when is the best time to make a good decisions..
wondering when is the time that i can afford to bring all my family up to a great vacation..?
wondering, will i have a good carrier then..?
wondering,how much do i got for my salary.. he love me for real..?would he be as great and understanding as kirby..?
would he be as romantic as shane..?would he be rich and ambitious as joe..?
wondering when is the time that i can be a fabulous bride, that makes other people cried...
wondering when i can cradle my own baby to bed..
whow..what an ambitious person right..??a lot of wondering..wonder in my mind...
i have a lot doubt in my it normal to have these kind of thought..?
**dah jauh sangat pengaruh lipstick jungle dalam otak saye ni..sanggup beli DVD full episode...GILE..!!wondering..why am i doing lot of crazy things i crazy for real..?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
last Saturday, i went to someone's house.. it's really make me happy..all the smile,all the laugh, all the speaking 'jawa' make my heart beat real fast.. I'm glad that Ur family accept me with honor.. hope this trip will make our relationship more close.. thanks to all the treats...
I learn things bout him.. learn how he think..learn how he treat me.. learn a little bit how to speak Javanese language.. learn how...ah...everything le...
he tell me that even without the smile, with serious face and fierce face, with the nag, you will always love me..betul ke..? I know sayang, some people had difficulty to express their feeling toward other people..
yg sedih nye... at his family's house, in front of other people, he treat me like nothing happen between both of us... but i know, deep inside his heart he will always love me.. I know that you want to teach me how to be an Independence person...right..?
Thanks a lot because u be the 'Someone'.. who really cares about what I want to be and do... I pray that U always be there to share something with... to make me laugh, to let me cry whenever I need to...
I hope that u are the person that can listen to my dreams... to accomplish all my life plan... berkhidmat untuk keluarga dan negara...cewah.. I wish we could build this good life together with all the joyful and bless for Allah swt... hope that you love me as I am, the same way I love you.... i want to continue all these pray together with you...
I want to dream bigger with you... reach higher with you.. draw prettier with you... sing louder with you...
when I'm with you, I feel braver... when you smile, my love becomes deeper... when you mad, my love becomes stronger... when u called my name, my heart becomes.. ntah ape2 jadi nye...GILE..!!
Because of you...I smile brighter.. I always thankful to Allah because he give me this opportunity to know you better.. But the best part of all this 'membebel' is, I just want you to know that I'm happy to have a person like you in my life...

pssst...pssst...(sebenarnye kan... dia malu nk cakap2 dengan I bile depan family dia.. punye la kite sakit hati dia tak layan kite.. rupe2 nye kes malu jew. control ego ar tu dpn family...siot..)
**ceh poyo..perasan org sayang aku plak.. ah..i don't really care what people say bout me... dah beruntung dia wat tindakan nekad bawak me jumpe his family... kebetulan ade kenduri rumah baru his family... family itu sangat baik you know...mama dia siap wat ayat "oh..ini bakal menantu saye.." kat kawan terkezut.. thus automatically sy rase cm takot je nk kawen... kategori anak menantu ke anak hantu saye ni. ye.?? tu le..gatal lagi suke2 cakap2..ayat drastik.. "sy tak nak couple2..kalo U serius, bawak jumpe family.. kalo family suke, kumpul duit, kite ON trus". sungguh jahat ayat saye... ni la risiko nye... mau pening pk mane nk cari duit.. study tak abes lagi.. keje tak de.. and bile plak nk langsung nye.. ceh..mude2 dah gatal eh jannah... ha... tanggung sendiri...
**dulu kan..saye selalu doa..[view sini]...biar cepat jodoh..saye tak mau kawen lambat..takot nti dah tua anak terkedek2 baru nak masuk sekolah..saye nak lari2 kejar anak saye di taman bunga...mahu sehat ketika perkahwinan anak saya..mintak2 allah kabulkan doa saya kali ni...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
mudah2 saje nak perdajal orang guna email...
pic aku jadi mangse..kalo nak dengki orang lain pon,
jangan la aku plak jadi mangse...
sampai hati kau...
padahal aku respect kot ngan kau...
kalo nak kat dia,cakap je la..
tak payah jadikan aku mangse ko plak..
abes satu office ko nak sent email tu agak nye...
aduh..kecewa sial aku ngan ko...
aku tak penah wat hal ngan ko kot...
pe motif kau ha..??
nak malu kan aku...?
or ko jeles ade orang lain rapat ngan dia..?
ko ingat muke aku ni bahan lawak kew..?
kelasifikasi topik: Internship
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
1st time ke site...2nd day of internship..
2 bahan mengepoh kepoh-kepoh Nuruljannah BadrulHisham pada 2:10 PMseronok le dapat kuar dari office..berbekal kan diary yg bos bagi...
kami jalan2 ikot arah GPS..
side search untuk pacak lamp pole...or tower..
hari ni aku belajar cmane nk pujuk tuan tanah
bagi syarikat kami sewa tanah dia...
syok wo...ade gak yg reject...
some story morry bout this raja petai, he is one of our supervisor..
he's smart..still single all yg interested,
leh ar roger D'harmoni untuk sesi perkenalan...
Wajah raja petai kami rahsiakan dulu buat sementara waktu...
padan muke dia..4 bulan ni asyik le kna bahan ngan saye...
berebut toilet sape nk mandi dulu..
kalo naik motor dia selalu jagi mangse bonggol yg saye langgar..heheee..
dia jugak le alarm saye kalo tercuai skit mase kat jalan raye...
and this gurl had been so manage my style..
but i have to iron all my cloth by myself..and her clothes to...
coz i want her to make my breakfast for this 4 month...
tiap2 pagi kna buat kan 3 in 1 oat untuk saye..
panas wo gi side.sampai basah2 baju kami...
macam2 dugaan...ade tu,pihak YTL proposed side ntah ape2..
nak side sekangkang kera,tapak yg muat untuk tanam daun pandan
kat sebelah umah pon dia proposed nk pacak tower..
giler pe...??terpakse la kami advice suruh diorang cari tempat lain..
ade side tu,dia nk kat tanah Sime darby..susah le nk dapat.
mcm2 le kami belajar ngan raja petai ni.....
last2 pic spontan ni wat muke kami yg kepenatan ni,nampak lagi cam hampeh...
masing2 muke tak make up..pocat je..ehe....
suddenly 1 realize that my shoes got injured...
the injury is not really teruk..tapi besar le gak..
last2 petang tu,saye buang je kasut tu..
stree le tgk kes cm tu..
padahal kasut ni baru je pkai...tapi dah lame beli..
dari tahun 2007 lagi..mase internship kat TV3..
tapi tak penah pkai..sebab tak berkesempatan..
tu le..pengajaran nye disini,kalo dah beli kasut tu,pkai..
jgn simpan2...nti gam dia rosak,kasot pon kopak...
sedih kan..??hm..praying for the bright next day...
kelasifikasi topik: friends, Internship, study
Monday, January 4, 2010
Salam..quick post lagi...
1st day of my internship...
awal pagi dah sampai...
from our house, it takes less than 15 minutes to arrived at this company..
for some poeple, 1st impression is very important right..??
for me,YES is the answer...
and my 1st impression for this company is the very vogue punye syarikat...
all staff seams very kind and some of them r very sporting..
early in the morning lagi dah suruh kami bukan facebook...
what le...!!!!
hopefully all the positive aura will last till the end of our internship le..
How was their 1st impression toward me...??
so far,it's seams ok..
wait and see le.. to go...i have thing to do...
pray all the best for me ya...
kelasifikasi topik: Happy, Internship, study